Well, it’s been nearly two weeks since I took the old site down to have it upgraded. It’s taken some time, but the new website is now up and running. There’s a few tweaks to go through, such as re-uploading all the photos from previous shoots, but it shouldn’t take no more than a few weeks to get that done.
In the mean time, feel free to take a look round and see what’s working and what’s broken. If you manage to see something that doesn’t work, then please let me know.
If you need to see where to login to view your photos and you are on your mobile device, then there’s a little arrow right at the very top of the webpage. Simply click on this to show you the option of View My Photos.
Finally, I’m hoping to have some new content with hints, tips and advice for weddings, portraits and other fun stuff. If you have any tips for submitting, please let me know and I will see if I can incorporate them into a blog post. And keep an eye out for special offers and deals throughout the year!
Keep in touch…