Well, hasn’t it been a funny old year?
Of course, as home life changes, work life has to adapt. Therefore I want to apologise to my customers who have not seen me on my top form this past year. The wife has taken a university course for teaching, which means I’m currently concentrating on making ends meet and .looking after the little one, but it’s not all bad.
As a fledgling company, it wasn’t a wise idea to think that I’d be able to live off the fruits of my labour (well not just yet). busines is certainly booming, and everyday I keep getting new queries and prospective jobs for the furture ahead.
In 2014 alone, I’ve already got my hands full with weddings (a booking in France included), not to mention the portraits still coming through, even though I’ve left the studio in Eckington (which I am grateful for the folks at Eckington to let me use on an Ad-Hoc basis).
However, this year is for full steam ahead. The full time job will, in due course, finish it’s term and I will be back on the wagon with all sorts of fun and fantastic ideas. Keep a look out for those brilliant special offers.
And I do promise I will keep you all informed of the work ahead. I promise to make sure the web site is updated every month with work that has taken place as well as some of my own personal experience along the way. And I promise that you will have my undivided attention throughout this year towards making your experience something to remember.
To old times we reminisce, to new futures that await and to great friends, family and clients I will meet along the way.
Happy new year all!